
Recommended books for CFA ?

โดย katrinamortensen195
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Recommended books for CFA ?


CFA is considered professional credential in finance that many finance professionals and students plan to achieve. As you may already know that CFA exam is quite challenging and requires tremendous preparation in advance. However, among various reading materials and study notes, many of you might find it hard to decide which book to use. Hence, we are here to recommend a couple of very useful and comprehensive material that you need to read in priority.

The first one is the most well-known preparation book for CFA – Kaplan SchweserNotes for the CFA exam. The study notes are known for its comprehensive and concise materials especially for CFA candidates who have limited time to go through all contents in CFA. In addition, the explanation and materials in the book is readable and easy to understand so it is highly recommended for those who do not have a finance background.


Wiley’s Level I CFA Program Study Guide

The next one also provides comprehensive contents for CFA exam – Wiley’s Level I CFA Program Study Guide. This book is quite similar to SchweserNotes in which it provides summary and key takeaways for the content required in the CFA curriculum. One of the good things that make this book outstanding is its conciseness and well-designed material organization.

the CFA curriculum book

The last one is the Official CFA Curriculum as it is the official book that the CFA institute publish so it surely covers all contents tested in the exam. The textbook is offered once you register for the CFA exam. In terms of the contents, the CFA curriculum book is very comprehensive, and the most detailed preparation book compared to others, so it is highly recommended for those who want thorough and inclusive knowledge in finance. However, the book is very lengthy and quite hard to understand so it suits more for CFA candidates who have finance background.


the CFA curriculum book

All in all, these are the selected book that we recommend for CFA. The key thing to remember is that no matter book you choose to read, it is very important that you prepare some time to digest as the materials and curriculum of the CFA exam are quite hard especially for beginners and those who do not have finance background or finance degree. Hence, if you are looking for more than a textbook but a professional mentor that can walk you through CFA materials, Chulatutor is here for you. As we provide not only comprehensive contents in understandable format, but also professional guidance for you to pass the CFA exam with no worries.


สำหรับที่จะทำงานด้านการเงินนอกจากจะต้องมีคะแนน CFA แล้วยังต้องมีคะแนน TOEIC อีก ซึ่งปัจจุบันมีศูนย์สอบเยอะมาก เช่น   TOEIC กำแพงเพชร TOEIC ชัยนาท TOEIC นครนายก TOEIC นครปฐม TOEIC นครสวรรค์ TOEIC นนทบุรี TOEIC ปทุมธานี TOEIC อยุธยา TOEIC พิจิตร TOEIC พิษณุโลก TOEIC เพชรบูรณ์ TOEIC ลพบุรี TOEIC สมุทรปราการ TOEIC สมุทรสงคราม TOEIC สมุทรสาคร TOEIC สิงห์บุรี TOEIC สุโขทัย TOEIC สุพรรณบุรี TOEIC สระบุรี TOEIC อ่างทอง TOEIC อุทัยธานี TOEIC จันทบุรี TOEIC ฉะเชิงเทรา TOEIC ชลบุรี TOEIC ตราด TOEIC ปราจีนบุรี TOEIC ระยอง TOEIC สระแก้ว TOEIC กระบี่ TOEIC ชุมพร TOEIC ตรัง TOEIC นครศรีธรรมราช TOEIC นราธิวาส TOEIC ปัตตานี TOEIC พังงา TOEIC พัทลุง TOEIC ภูเก็ต TOEIC ระนอง TOEIC สตูล TOEIC สงขลา TOEIC สุราษฎร์ธานี TOEIC ยะลา  
